Indica Yoga had organised a two-day residential Bhakti Immersion Retreat focusing on Gita, Sutra & Sankirtan with Yogashree N. V. Raghuram ji from 22nd to 24th Oct, 2021 at Ritambhara Retreat, situated in the outskirts of Bangalore. About 15 participants and 5 faculty volunteers participated in the three day residential retreat. The retreat explored the different facets of Bhakti and its manifestations as presented in Narada Bhakti Sutra along with inputs from Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutra. In addition to wisdom sessions, the retreat was richly infused with Bhajan singing, dancing and musical evenings. Dr.Vinayachandra Banavathy, Sri Datta Prasad, Dr. Subramanian (Subbu bhaiyya), Sri Venkateshmurthy, Smt Ramya Vinayachandra were other faculties assisting Yogashri Raghuram ji, who in his characteristic style led the retreat with a great blend of insight, wit and wisdom. Dr. Ramachandra Bhat, former VC, SVYASA University had graced the event on the last day. Noted singer and theatre artist, Dr. Deepak Paramashivan accompanied by tabla maestro Sri Gurumurthy Vaidya gave an enthralling concert on Bhakti musical tradition handpicking compositions from different languages and regions of the country allowing the participants a fine exposure and experience of soaking into Bhakti music. Thus, the retreat, in many ways, offered a true immersion into Bhakti. The scenic space at Ritambhara provided a conducive ambience for a beautiful unfolding of this Immersion with a right mix of Nature, food and comfort. Participants returned from the retreat with their hearts filled with joy and minds expanded, with a hope of coming back to the next retreat.
Group Discussion
Morning Yoga
Bhajan Concert
Ananda Mela