Suryathon (Suryanamaskar Marathon) – Digitally Guided Suryanamaskar Practice

To celebrate the International Day of Yoga 2021, Indica Yoga has organized a Suryathon to help raise funds for Youth for Seva - a charity that provides relief to children who have lost their parents to COVID.

Indica Yoga along with Center for Soft Power and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations have collaborated with LifeCykul to launch Suryathon, an app that allows you to practise mantra-led Suryanamaskars at your preferred pace and for as many rounds as you can. This initiative is part of the activities that we have planned for the International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2021.

Register for the Suryathon on The registration fee is Rs 150, and all proceeds will be donated to Youth for Seva.

To participate, please follow the steps:

Step 1 - Download the LifeCykul App at / or from google play store

Step 2 - Sign up with your Mobile Number

Step 3 - Click on the Suryathon Card and "TAP" to Register

Step 4 – Under “Leagues”, select SURYATHON tile and START