A 2-Credit Certified Course on
Essentials of Yoga Tradition & Philosophy
15th October, 2020 to 14th January, 2021
About Indica Yoga
We are a platform that offers diverse and inclusive Yoga that is authentic, immersive and transformative. We believe practice of Hatha Yoga is an important first step towards Well-being & Liberation. In addition to Asanas one's practice has to include Mantras & Mindfulness, Sanskrit & Shastras. Such a practice when combined with the science of Ayurveda and the wisdom of Vedanta brings about a complete transformation. We call this approach Asana+. Our Asana+ programs include talks, workshops, courses, retreats and festivals.
Why a course on Essentials of Yoga Tradition & Philosophy?
In the context of the ever-increasing popularity of Yoga in a globalized world, the need to revisit the fundamental teachings of Yoga Philosophy becomes imperative to preserve the authenticity of the tradition and the integrity of its deep transformative practices.
Keeping in tune with Indica Yoga’s commitment to uphold authentic, immersive and transformative Yoga teachings and experiences, this course on ‘Essentials of Yoga Tradition & Philosophy’ has been specially designed by the best of scholar-practitioner-teachers from India and the world focusing on the quintessential aspects of the Yoga tradition – its origins, evolution, texts, practices, complimentary systems and contemporary discourses.
For Whom?
It is open to all who seek to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Yoga tradition. It is specially designed for the benefit of:
- Yoga Teachers & Students
- Yoga Therapists
- All Yoga enthusiasts
Curriculum outline
- History of Yoga
- Etymology & Definitions of Yoga
- Overview of texts – Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s Yogasutra & Hathayogapradipika
- Schools and streams of Yoga
- Life & teachings of modern spiritual masters

- Introduction to Sanskrit
- Introduction to 6 philosophical systems (Shad-darshanas)
- Introduction to the Complimentary systems of Ayurveda & Vedanta
- Modern discourses on Yoga
- Current research in Yoga
Students of this course will
- Learn to appreciate the origin and development of Yogic thought and practices from ancient to current times
- Be able understand and engage with the seminal texts of the tradition in their original form
- Be able to trace the evolution Yoga philosophy from Vedic, Tantric and other important sources
- Understand the core concepts and frameworks of Dharma, Karma, Purushartha, Triguana, Sharira, Prana, Kosha and Shad-darshanas which are integral to the Yoga tradition
- Learn to appreciate the need and importance of Sanskrit in getting to the roots of the philosophical concepts and practices
- Understand the different approaches, lineages, schools and practices which are part of the greater tradition of Yoga
- Understand the relationship of Yoga with pluralistic traditions and mono-theistic religions
- Acquire a broader perspective of Yoga beyond postures
- Become familiar with Yoga psychology as a pathway to self-knowledge and transformation
- Learn to integrate these teachings in their day to day living
Course Includes
- 14 Live, Interactive Zoom Sessions
- 2 additional dedicated QA Sessions
- Access to recorded sessions
- Suggested Course Readings
- 30 Yoga Alliance CE Credits
- Certificate upon successful completion
Duration: A 2 credit (30 hrs) program delivered over 1 Trimester from October 2020 to January 2021.
Session details:
- 1hr 30 mins Live session with faculty every Thursday between 6.30 to 8.00 PM IST (one session per week)
- 3 QA Sessions: Saturdays 31stOctober; 28th November & 19th January between 6.30 – 8 PM IST
Course Dates:
- October: 15*, 22, 29
- November: 5, 12, 19, 26
- December: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
- Jan, 2020 – 7, 14
* Orientation Session
Attendance: 60% attendance compulsory for certification
Session Recordings: Access to the recordings of all sessions will be provided
Platform: Zoom Webinar
Medium of Instruction: English
Assessment & Certification: Essay to be submitted at the end of the course for successful completion and certification.
CE with Yoga Alliance: This is an additional benefit for all Registered Yoga Teachers (RYTs) with Yoga Alliance as this course is eligible for 30 (non-contact) CE hours of Yoga Alliance.
Course Fee: Rs 6,500/- For Indian Residents & USD 100/- for International Students
Early Bird Offer: Rs 5,000/- and USD 90/- respectively for registrations upto 4th October
Last Date for Registration: 12th October, 2020. Prior registration compulsory to attend the course.
Registration: https://forms.gle/HkVQYcqJ4Y5RwLj48
Payment Links: Will be provided in the mail.
Course Instructors
Dr. Vinayachandra Banavathy
Dr. Vinayachandra is the Director of Indica Yoga, a platform that offers authentic, immersive and transformative yoga experiences across the world. He holds a PhD on psychological insights in the Vedas from Pondicherry University, besides Masters’ in Sanskrit, English, Yogic Science and Applied Psychology. Vinayachandra is a dedicated teacher who travels across the world conducting courses, lectures and workshops on a unique blend of Yoga, Psychology and Sanskrit. His publications include a report on Standardization of Yoga Terminologies for WHO; a book co-edited with Dr. Anuradha Choudry titled ‘Perspectives on Indian Psychology’, published by Jain University Press, another book co-authored titled ‘Happiness: Indic Perspectives’, published by Development Foundation, besides a few articles, papers, booklets on Yoga, Indian Psychology, Culture and Spirituality.
Dr. Anuradha Choudry
Dr. Anuradha is a guest faculty at Indica Yoga. She is currently working as a joint Faculty at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and at the Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. A multilingual Sanskritist, she works in the areas of Indian/Yoga Psychology, Philosophy and Culture and travels across the world to deliver lectures and conduct workshops on these topics for national and international organisations and events including the Annual Yoga Congress organised by the European Union of Yoga in Zinal, Switzerland. She has published in various journals and has co-edited and co-authored books titled 'Perspectives on Indian Psychology;' and 'Happiness: Indian Perspectives'; respectively along with Dr. Vinayachandra B. K. Last year, she was the recipient of the Excellent Young Teacher Award at IIT Kharagpur.
For more details and early bird offer please write to us at namaste@indicayoga.com with the course code EYTP in the subject line.