Patricia Meyer

Patricia Meyer came into contact with yoga during her first pregnancy, thanks to the wonderful books by the French doctor F. Leboyer. After following training courses, studying and practising with Masters from different traditions and schools, she has been sharing her experience – still in evolution - teaching hatha yoga to little groups of students for almost thirty years now, referring mainly to the teachings of Śri Śri Śri Satchidananda, known as “the Silent Yogi of Madras”, and his disciple, W. Tirak Ruta. She studied with Dr. M.V. Bhole and more recently with Chandra Klee, a pupil of the Masters Śri T. Krishnamacharya and Śri T.K.V. Desikachar, taking a particular interest in the curative approach of yoga. In 1999 in San Felice, just outside Milan, she founded Yoga Shankara, a meeting space devoted to the study, sharing and spread of yoga, hosting seminars on philosophy, mantras, psychology of yoga, meditation, Ayurveda and the classical art and culture of India, led by excellent teachers, including Lama Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Dr. Anuradha Choudry and Dr. Vinayachandra Banavaty.

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